Sunday, August 30, 2015

[Music] In Love and War -- Adam Cheng

Poster for In Love and War (1981)

Adam Cheng

1. "The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945, bringing the hostilities of World War II to a close." ("Surrender of Japan", Wikipedia)

But for the Chinese people, World War II officially ended when the Empire of Japan surrendered to the Republic of China on September 9, 1945.

2. In Love and War ("烽火飛花") is the theme song of a 1981 Hong Kong TVB TV drama.

The background for this drama is occupied China during World War II.

The name of the TV drama and its theme song is the same in Chinese: "烽火飛花".

The official English translation for "烽火飛花" is "In Love and War" and it is a very good translation.

In Love and War (1981) is a good song but it is seldom heard nowadays.

I was having a conversation with some friends a few months ago in a lounge and the lounge singer, to my surprise, sang this song.

The original singer of this song is Adam Cheng and he is one the stars of this TV drama.

3. In Love and War (1981):

The first of 2 songs:

The first of 6 songs:

4. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

烽火飛花 -- 鄭少秋

* 河山滿目烽煙起   神州漫天風雨飛
雄獅醒覺顯威風   決心拼生死
縱有熱愛熱情兒女事   忍心不記起
獻上熱血熱腸男子氣   犧牲小我見仁義
人生性命本可貴   情癡亦一世回味
為保家國肯輕拋   兩者都不記起

Repeat *

5. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

烽火飞花 -- 郑少秋

* 河山满目烽烟起   神州漫天风雨飞
雄狮醒觉显威风   决心拼生死
纵有热爱热情儿女事   忍心不记起
献上热血热肠男子气   牺牲小我见仁义
人生性命本可贵   情痴亦一世回味
为保家国肯轻抛   两者都不记起

Repeat *

6. Names, Words and Phrases:

Adam Cheng (Traditional Chinese: 鄭少秋; Simplified Chinese: 郑少秋).


"Surrender of Japan", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).

"烽火飛花", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).

"中國抗日戰爭", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).

"國民政府", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).

"大日本帝國", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).

"日本投降", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-08-30).
