Thursday, September 26, 2019

[Opinion] Calvinism and Fatalism

John Calvin



1. Many people confuse Calvinism (or Reformed theology) with fatalism because both are deterministic.

In fact, they are very different.

What differentiate Calvinism from fatalism is whether the theory claimed it is personal and purposeful.

It is also instructive to contrast Calvinism and fatalism against their background worldviews of Christian theism and naturalism.

Calvinism is a form of Christian theism and it may be called personal purposeful determinism.

Contemporary western fatalism is a form of naturalism and it may be called impersonal purposeless determinism.

2. The worldview of which Calvinism is a species is Christian theism.

The fundamental claim of Christian theism is that the personal God of the Bible exists and that He has created the world.

The distinctive doctrine of Calvinism is the doctrine of the Eternal Decree of God.

The doctrine of the Eternal Decree of God is the claim that God ordain whatsoever comes to pass.

[The Westminster Confession of Faith 3.1]:

"God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeable ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."

Because of the doctrine of the Eternal Decree of God, Calvinism is a species of determinism.

God also created the world with a purpose or with an ultimate end in mind.

[The Westminster Confession of Faith 4.1]:

"It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good."

Because God created the world "for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness", the world is created with a purpose or an end in mind.

Thus, Calvinism may be called personal purposeful determinism.

3. The Wikipedia entry "Fatalism" differentiates fatalism from determinism and predeterminism.

According to the entry, the relationship between the three concepts are: predeterminism is a species of determinism, and determinism is a species of fatalism.

All three believe that all future events are inevitable.

Fatalism is the broadest concept of the three in that the inevitability of future events may be due either to chance or to a causal chain of prior events.

Determinism is a species of fatalism in that the inevitability of future events is due to a causal chain of prior events only but not to chance.

Predeterminism is a species of determinism in that the inevitability of future events is due to an uninterrupted causal chain of prior events that goes back to the origin of the universe.

In generic determinism, the causal chain of prior events may or may not goes back to the origin of the universe.

The characterization of the three concepts emphasizes the "how" aspect of the inevitability of future events.

4. Our interests are different from those of the Wikipedia entry "Fatalism", so our definition of terms is different from it.

Following the Reformed theologians Loraine Boettner (1901-1990) and Gordon H. Clark (1902-1985), another way to cut into the concept of "the inevitability of future events" is to ask two questions:

(a) Whether the cause of "the inevitability of future events" is personal?

(b) Whether all events converge to an end?

A theory is deterministic if it claims that all the events of the world are inevitable.

A theory is personal if it claims that all the events of the world are determined by the will of God.

So Calvinism is personal determinism.

As with the finite Greek gods, if fate controls the actions of the gods rather than the gods control fate, then the theory is impersonal.

So fatalism is impersonal determinism, an example of which is Greek finite godism.

A theory is (globally) purposeful if all the events of the world converge to some ends.

So Calvinism is purposeful determinism.

A theory is (globally) purposeless if all the events of the world do not converge to any end.

Naturalism denies that there is any purpose to the universe; it simply just exists.

So naturalism is purposeless.

Contemporary western fatalism is generally read against a naturalistic background and it may be called impersonal purposeless determinism.

Calvinism is a species of Christian theism and it may be called personal purposeful determinism.

So Calvinism is deterministic but not fatalistic.

Furthermore, if the God of the Bible exists, then there is no fate and fatalism is false.


Boettner, Loraine. 1932. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.

Clark, Gordon H. 1969. Biblical Predestination. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.

Fatalism”, Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2019-09-26).


Thursday, August 22, 2019

[Opinion] Carrie Lam as a Moral Vacuum: The Sad Affair of an Ex-Civil Servant

Carrie Lam

Humphrey Appleby

1. Carrie Lam is the current Chief Executive of Hong Kong and she has assumed office on July 1, 2017.

Carrie Lam has become notorious worldwide in the last three months for pushing the Extradition Bill that sparked: (a) a 1.03 million people protest on June 9, (b) a 2 million people protest on June 16, and (c) a 1.7 million people protest on August 18, with many protests of varying sizes in between and since.

The Wikipedia entry on Carrie Lam calls her "a Hong Kong politician". 

But I believe the key to understanding Carrie Lam is not to treat her as a politician but as the civil servant that she has been for some 30 odd years, first under the British and then the Chinese governments.

The most illuminating comparison I can think of is to compare Carrie Lam to the fictional character Sir Humphrey Appleby of the British television series Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister.

Humphrey Appleby is the consummate British civil servant that is dedicated purely to means and not to ends.

Humphrey Appleby is also an elite who looks down on the people and politicians whom he supposedly serves with pride and smugness.

I think this civil servant mentality of dedication to pure means and not ends accounts for Carrie Lam's behaviors.

Carrie Lam is not here to make policy for Hong Kong but to carry out the policies of her political masters in Beijing, right or wrong.

This dedication to pure means without considering the morality of the ends of an action makes Carrie Lam into a moral vacuum.

Like Humphrey Appleby, Carrie Lam also behaves towards the people of Hong Kong with pride and smugness.

Carrie Lam is what Humphrey Appleby would have been had he become a politician.

2. For those not familiar with the British television series Yes Minister, the relevant episode is called "The Whiskey Priest" (season 3, episode 6).

(a) There is an excerpt of the relevant portion of the episode in YouTube:

Sir Humphrey Appleby: The Consummate Civil Servant

(b) Partial Transcript:

(Jim Hacker is the minister and Humphrey Appleby is the civil servant.)

Jim Hacker: You may take this lightly, but we cannot close our eyes to something that is as morally wrong as this.
Humphrey Appleby: Very well, Minster.
If you insist on making me discuss moral issues, may I point out to you something is either morally wrong or it isn't.
It can't be slightly morally wrong.
Jim Hacker: Don't quibble, Humphrey. 
Humphrey Appleby: Government isn't about morality. 
Jim Hacker: Really? What is it about? 
Humphrey Appleby: Stability.
Keeping things going.
Preventing anarchy.
Stopping society falling to bits.
Still being here tomorrow. 
Jim Hacker: What for? 
Humphrey Appleby: I beg your pardon? 
Jim Hacker: What is the ultimate purpose of government if it isn’t for doing good? 
Humphrey Appleby: Minster, government isn't about good and evil.
It's only about order or chaos. 
Jim Hacker: And it is in order for Italian terrorists to get British bombs?
And you don't care? 
Humphrey Appleby: It's not my job to care.
That's what politicians are for.
My job is to carry out government policy. 
Jim Hacker: Even if you think it's wrong? 
Humphrey Appleby: Well, almost all government policy is wrong but, frightfully well carried out! 
Jim Hacker: Humphrey, have you ever known a civil servant to resign on a matter of principle? 
Humphrey Appleby: I should think not! What an appalling suggestion! 
Jim Hacker: For the first time, I fully understand that you are purely committed to means and not to ends! 
Humphrey Appleby: But as far as I'm concerned, Minister, and all of my colleagues, there is no difference between means and ends. 
Jim Hacker: If you believe that, Humphrey, you will go to hell. 
Humphrey Appleby: Minister, I had no idea that you had a theological bent. 
Jim Hacker: You are a moral vacuum, Humphrey. 
Humphrey Appleby: If you say so, Minister. 


"2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia, 
"Carrie Lam", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2019-08-22).

"Humphrey Appleby", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2019-08-22).

"Jim Hacker", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2019-08-22).

"Yes Minister", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2019-08-22).
