Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[Music] Leslie Cheung -- To Chase After

Posters for He's a Woman, She's a Man (1994)

1. Year end is a time for reflection and anticipation.

One question to think about is what to accomplish in the coming year.

To Chase After by Leslie Cheung can help set the mood for thinking about this question.

Beside quantifiable goals, are there important personal relationships in one's life?

As the lyrics put it so beautifully: "You" are the real target ("你是真正目標").

2. To Chase After ("追") was the theme song of the 1994 movie He's a Woman, She's a Man ("金枝玉葉").

Leslie Cheung was the male lead of this movie and he also sang the theme song.

To Chase After won the Best Original Film Song of the 1995 Hong Kong Film Award.

He's a Woman, She's a Man is a very good movie and I must have watched it at least 3 to 4 times over the years.

The movie is a love story and yet is so much more than a love story.

He's a Woman, She's a Man reflected on what is important in life.

It bears watching repeatedly.

3. "Official version" of the song:



The video are scenes from the movie.

4. The scenes are from the movie:




The female lead is Anita Yuen, Miss Hong Kong 1990.

5. Leslie Cheung in concert in Hiroshima, Japan:


6. Leslie Cheung in concert in 1997:




7. Leslie Cheung in concert in Malaysia in 2000:


8. This is just the song by Leslie Cheung:






9. A cover by Jacky Cheung:


10. Covers by Cass Phang:




11. A cover by Eason Chan (right) and Hins Cheung (left):


12. A cover by Julian Cheung Chi-Lam:


Chi-Lam is the husband of Anita Yuen and together they have a son.

13. A cover by Eric Suen:


14. A cover by Fiona Sit:


15. Piano covers:




16. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

追 -- 張國榮

這一生   也在進取   這分鐘   卻掛念誰
我會說   是唯獨你   不可失去
好風光   似幻似虛   誰明人生樂趣
我會說   為情為愛   仍然是對

* 誰比你重要

# 一追再追   只想追趕生命裡一分一秒
原來多麼可笑   你是真正目標
一追再追   追蹤一些生活最基本需要
原來早不缺少   Wo...
有了你   即使平凡卻最重要
(只得你   會叫我彷彿人群裡最重要)

好光陰   縱沒太多   一分鐘那又如何
會與你   共同渡過   都不枉過
瘋戀多   錯誤更多   如能重新做過
我會說   願能為你   提前做錯

Repeat *, #, #

有了你   即使沉睡了   也在笑

17. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

追 -- 张国荣

这一生   也在进取   这分钟   却挂念谁
我会说   是唯独你   不可失去
好风光   似幻似虚   谁明人生乐趣
我会说   为情为爱   仍然是对

* 谁比你重要

# 一追再追 只想追赶生命里一分一秒
原来多么可笑   你是真正目标
一追再追   追踪一些生活最基本需要
原来早不缺少   Wo...
有了你   即使平凡却最重要
(只得你   会叫我彷佛人群里最重要)

好光阴   纵没太多   一分钟那又如何
会与你   共同渡过   都不枉过
疯恋多   错误更多   如能重新做过
我会说   愿能为你   提前做错

Repeat *, #, #

有了你   即使沉睡了   也在笑

18. Names, Words and Phrases:

Anita Yuen (Traditional Chinese: 袁詠儀; Simplified Chinese: 袁咏仪).

Cass Phang (Traditional: 彭羚; Simplified: 彭羚).

Eason Chan (Traditional: 陳奕迅; Simplified: 陈奕迅).

Eric Suen (Traditional: 孫耀威; Simplified: 孙耀威).

Fiona Sit (Traditional: 薛凱琪; Simplified: 薛凯琪).

Hins Cheung (Traditional: 張敬軒; Simplified: 张敬轩).

Hiroshima (Traditional: 廣島; Simplified: 广岛).

Jacky Cheung (Traditional: 張學友; Simplified: 张学友).

Julian Cheung Chi-Lam (Traditional: 張智霖; Simplified: 张智霖).

Leslie Cheung (Traditional: 張國榮; Simplified: 张国荣).


"金枝玉葉", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-12-31).


Monday, December 16, 2013

[Music] Childhood -- Terence Choi

Terence Choi

1. The music and lyrics of Childhood ("童年") was composed by the Taiwanese Lo Da-Yu in 1981.

The original singer of Childhood was Sylvia Chang.

The original was sung in Mandarin and the lyrics reflected how it was like growing up in Taiwan.

The Mandarin version of this song has since been covered by many singers.

When Childhood was introduced in Hong Kong, new lyrics were composed by James Wong to reflect how it was like growing up in Hong Kong.

The original singer of the Cantonese cover was Terence Choi and this was his breakout song.

Childhood can evoke different feelings depend on the age and interpretation of the singer.

And judging from the different covers in YouTube, Childhood is also very popular among Chinese in Asia.

2. The Cantonese cover of Childhood by Terence Choi:






Terence Choi was in a car accident in China in 2002 that has severely damaged his brain.

The damaged led to Parkinson and Terence Choi has been wheel-chair bound for many years.

3. Childhood in Mandarin by Sylvia Chang:






and many more in YouTube.

Sylvia Chang is from Taiwan and she presently resides in Hong Kong with her family.

Besides being an actress-director-singer, Sylvia Chang is also a successful businesswoman.

4. Childhood by its composer Lo Da-Yu:






and many more in YouTube.

Lo Da-Yu is considered one of the fathers of Mandopop (Mandarin-pop music) and he has worked in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China.

5. The girls group the Four Golden Princess:


The Four Golden Princess is a Malaysian based girls group that began performing in 1994.

6. The girls group the Seven Fairies:



The Seven Fairies is a Malaysian girls group that was active between 1993 and 1995.

7. Crystal Ong:


Crystal Ong is a Malaysian actress and singer.

8. Timi Zhuo:






and many more in YouTube.

Timi Zhua began as a Taiwanese child-star and has transitioned into an adult performer.

She has a large fan base in both Taiwan and China.

9. Steven Liu:




Steven Liu is a Taiwanese singer who was very popular in the 1970s and 1980s.

Many of his music students are also very successful.

10. SuperBand:






and many more in YouTube.

SuperBand was composed of 4 veteran male singers from Taiwan and was active between 2008 and 2010.

11. Rosanne Lui:


Rosanne Lui is a Hong Kong singer and actress.

12. A partial cover by Fish Leong:


Fish Leong is a Malaysian born singer who presently resides in Taipei, Taiwan.

13. The Cantonese Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

童年 -- 蔡國權

蝶翩翩伴空鞦韆   夏日炎午裏有蜜蜂飛過
沒有我在歡聲高歌   運動場上課鐵閘下了鎖
真可惜先生不會懶惰   放學有數不清的幾套功課
千斤的書包載滿了書籍   童年時就如此經過

合作社食品真多   硬幣財富卻每日得一個
下了課幻想多多   望著牆壁去發夢樂趣多
真可惜初戀心裏對象   每日見她都不敢傾訴清楚
知不知之間載滿了心事   童年時就如此經過

夜已晚就趕緊功課   但為何每次到夜都抄錯
就似我大考的一天   樣樣題永遠發現做錯左
惜光陰爸爸天天教導   每日我聽他心中只覺囉囌
不知忽忽中已到了今日   童年時就如此飄過

話噤快就到了今天   舊陣時我變了今天的我
沒有了童真的心   又突然發覺美夢未有多
想當初彷彿好似昨日   往事我一一心中都記清楚
只可惜當天太快已消逝   童年時就如此飄過

莫笑我又想起當初   夏日炎午再有蜜蜂飛過
但我也未肯高歌   就像人故意裏面下了鎖
深心中只想起那故舊   那自棄種種今天改變得多

* 忽忽的當天太快已消逝   童年時就如此飄過

Repeat *

14. The Cantonese Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

童年 -- 蔡国权

蝶翩翩伴空秋千   夏日炎午里有蜜蜂飞过
没有我在欢声高歌   运动场上课铁闸下了锁
真可惜先生不会懒惰   放学有数不清的几套功课
千斤的书包载满了书籍   童年时就如此经过

合作社食品真多   硬币财富却每日得一个
下了课幻想多多   望着墙壁去发梦乐趣多
真可惜初恋心里对象   每日见她都不敢倾诉清楚
知不知之间载满了心事   童年时就如此经过

夜已晚就赶紧功课   但为何每次到夜都抄错
就似我大考的一天   样样题永远发现做错左
惜光阴爸爸天天教导   每日我听他心中只觉啰苏
不知忽忽中已到了今日   童年时就如此飘过

话噤快就到了今天   旧阵时我变了今天的我
没有了童真的心   又突然发觉美梦未有多
想当初彷佛好似昨日   往事我一一心中都记清楚
只可惜当天太快已消逝   童年时就如此飘过

莫笑我又想起当初   夏日炎午再有蜜蜂飞过
但我也未肯高歌   就像人故意里面下了锁
深心中只想起那故旧   那自弃种种今天改变得多

* 忽忽的当天太快已消逝   童年时就如此飘过

Repeat *

15. The Mandarin Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

童年 -- 張艾嘉

池塘邊的榕樹上   知了在聲聲叫著夏天
操場邊的鞦韆上   只有蝴蝶停在上面
黑板上老師的粉筆   還在拚命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停
等待著下課   等待著放學   等待遊戲的童年

福利社裡面什麼都有   就是口袋裡沒有半毛錢
諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨   到底誰搶到那支寶劍
隔壁班的那個男孩   怎麼還沒經過我的窗前
嘴裡的零食   手裡的漫畫   心裡初戀的童年

總是要等到睡覺前   才知道功課只作了一點點
總是要等到考試以後   才知道該唸的書都沒有唸
一寸光陰一寸金   老師說過寸金難買寸光陰
一天又一天   一年又一年   迷迷糊糊的童年

沒有人知道為什麼   太陽總下到山的那一邊
沒有人能夠告訴我   山裡面有沒有住著神仙
多少的日子裡   總是一個人面對著天空發呆
就這麼好奇   就這麼幻想   這麼孤單的童年

陽光下蜻蜓飛過來   一片片綠油油的稻田
水彩蠟筆和萬花筒   畫不出天邊那一條彩虹
盼望著假期   盼望著明天   盼望長大的童年
一天又一天   一年又一年   盼望長大的童年

16. The Mandarin Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

童年 -- 张艾嘉

池塘边的榕树上   知了在声声叫着夏天
操场边的秋千上   只有蝴蝶停在上面
黑板上老师的粉笔   还在拚命叽叽喳喳写个不停
等待着下课   等待着放学   等待游戏的童年

福利社里面什么都有   就是口袋里没有半毛钱
诸葛四郎和魔鬼党   到底谁抢到那支宝剑
隔壁班的那个男孩   怎么还没经过我的窗前
嘴里的零食   手里的漫画   心里初恋的童年

总是要等到睡觉前   才知道功课只作了一点点
总是要等到考试以后   才知道该念的书都没有念
一寸光阴一寸金   老师说过寸金难买寸光阴
一天又一天   一年又一年   迷迷糊糊的童年

没有人知道为什么   太阳总下到山的那一边
没有人能够告诉我   山里面有没有住着神仙
多少的日子里   总是一个人面对着天空发呆
就这么好奇   就这么幻想   这么孤单的童年

阳光下蜻蜓飞过来   一片片绿油油的稻田
水彩蜡笔和万花筒   画不出天边那一条彩虹
盼望着假期   盼望着明天   盼望长大的童年
一天又一天   一年又一年   盼望长大的童年

17. Names, Words and Phrases:

Crystal Ong (Traditional Chinese: 王雪晶; Simplified Chinese: 王雪晶).

Fish Leong (Traditional: 梁靜茹; Simplified: 梁静茹).

James Wong (Traditional: 黃霑; Simplified: 黄沾).

Lo Da-Yu (Traditional: 羅大佑; Simplified: 罗大佑).

Rosanne Lui (Traditional: 呂珊; Simplified: 吕珊).

Steven Liu (Traditional: 劉文正; Simplified: 刘文正).

SuperBand (Traditional: 縱貫線; Simplified: 纵贯线).

Sylvia Chang (Traditional: 張艾嘉; Simplified: 张艾嘉).

Terence Choi (Traditional: 蔡國權; Simplified: 蔡国权).

The Four Golden Princess (Traditional: 四千金; Simplified: 四千金).

The Seven Fairies (Traditional: 七仙女; Simplified: 七仙女).

Timi Zhuo (Traditional: 卓依婷; Simplified: 卓依婷).


"蔡國權", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-12-16).

"童年", Baidu,
(accessed 2013-12-16).


Saturday, November 30, 2013

[Opinion] Weapons are Ill-Omened Things

Source: BBC News

1. Chinese Poem of the Day:

陳陶 (812 - 885)





2. This Blog post is about China's recent creation of an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in East China Sea.

The facts are basically these:

(Depending on which time zone you are in, the date may be "+ / -" one day.)

(Keck 2013a): "In a statement today [November 23] China’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) announced the creation of an East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, which went into effect 10 AM Saturday Morning local time."

(Kech 2013c): "American B-52 bombers flew over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands on Monday [November 25] without informing Beijing ahead of time."

(Yap and Yang 2013): "Chinese citizens vented angrily on the country’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo microblogging platform as news broke of U.S. B-52 bombers flying over disputed East China Sea islands claimed by China. But they reserved some of their harshest contempt for their military’s apparent inability to respond."

(Blanchard and Rampton 2013): "China scrambled jets on Friday [November 29] in response to two U.S. spy planes and 10 Japanese aircraft, including F-15 fighters, entering its new air defense zone over the East China Sea, state news agency Xinhua said, raising the stakes in a standoff with the United States, Japan and South Korea."

(BBC News 2013c): "A number of regional commercial airlines - including Singapore Airlines, Qantas and Korean Air - have said they will comply with China's new requirements."

(Kyodo News International 2013): "The U.S. government said Friday [November 29] it wants civilian airlines to notify China before entering the latter's newly established air defense identification zone. The move came after Japan's government told its airlines Tuesday not to comply with China's new rules requiring the advance submission of flight plans. The air zone overlaps one already operated by Japan."

3. It seems China has some successes with its new ADIZ.

It seems the trend is that military aircrafts from other countries will not comply with China's new ADIZ while civilian aircrafts will.

But what is the purpose behind China's creation of its ADIZ?

Zachary Keck (2013d) has an interesting take that China is pursuing a strategy of "lawfare".

(Keck 2013d): "In essence, the East China Sea ADIZ is part of China’s 'lawfare' strategy toward its maritime disputes. 'Lawfare,' as used in the context of international warfare, is often attributed to retired Air Force General Charles Dunlap, who defined it in a famous 2001 essay as 'the use of law as a weapon of war.' Interestingly, according to the spectacular Lawfare blog, Dunlap was preempted by two PLA officers who wrote in a 1999 book, Unrestricted Warfare, that lawfare 'is a nation’s use of legalized international institutions to achieve strategic ends.' "

(Keck 2013d): "In what M. Taylor Fravel called creating 'new facts on the water,' China’s approach to the South and East China Seas has been to try to establish its sovereignty over contested areas through the use of a combination of military power and international law."

Regarding international law, (Keck 2013d): "There is a clear unambiguous purpose to all this — namely, China is seeking to bolster its claims to sovereignty over these areas in terms of international law. As I explained elsewhere this week, in international law a major way by which states acquire sovereignty over an area is by actually exercising sovereignty (i.e. administering) over it for a 'reasonable' period of time and especially having other states acquiesce to its administration."

4. As of today (Saturday, November 30, 2013), the situation with China's new ADIZ is still developing.

But with the US recommending civilian airlines to comply with China's ADIZ, the situation does not seem will get out of hand.

But I wonder how long can China escort other countries' military aircrafts entering its ADIZ?

5. For one perspective on the use of military and weapons, the following is the whole of chapter 31 of Laozi's Dao De Jing.

The English translation is from the Library of Chinese Classics (Waley and Chen 1999, 63):



Fine weapons are none the less ill-omened things.
(People despise them, therefore, those in possession of the Tao do not depend on them.)



That is why, among people of good birth, in peace the left-hand side is the place of honour, but in war this is reversed and the right-hand side is the place of honour.



(Weapons are ill-omened things, which the superior man should not depend on. When he has no choice but to use them, the best attitude is to remain tranquil and peaceful.)



The quietist, even when he conquers, does not regard weapons as lovely things. For to think them lovely means to delight in them, and to delight in them means to delight in the slaughter of men.



And he who delights in the slaughter of men will never get what he looks for out of those that dwell under heaven.



(Thus in happy events the left-hand is the place of honour, in grief and mourning, the right-hand is the place of honour.



The lieutenant general stands on the left, while the supreme general stands on the right, which is arranged on the rites of mourning.)



A host that has slain men is received with grief and mourning; he that has conquered in battle is received with rites of mourning.


BBC News. 2013a. Q&A: China-Japan islands row. BBC News Asia, November 27.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

BBC News. 2013b. Viewpoints: China air zone tensions. BBC News Asia, November 28.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

BBC News. 2013c. China scrambles jets in air zone to monitor US and Japanese planes. BBC News Asia, November 29.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Blanchard, Ben and Roberta Rampton. 2013. China scrambles jets to new defense zone, eyes U.S., Japan flights. Reuters, November 29.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Keck, Zachary. 2013a. China imposes restrictions on air space over Senkaku Islands. The Diplomat, November 23.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Keck, Zachary. 2013b. China may shoot down hostile airplanes in new air defense zone. The Diplomat, November 27.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Keck, Zachary. 2013c. US bombers challenge China’s Air Defense Identification Zone. The Diplomat, November 27.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Keck, Zachary. 2013d. With air defense zone, China is waging lawfare. The Diplomat, November 30.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Kyodo News International. 2013. U.S. to urge airlines to notify China of entering new air zone. GlobalPost – International News, November 30.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

McDonnell, Justin. 2013. 5 Questions on China’s Air Defense Identification Zone. The Diplomat, November 29.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Page, Jeremy, Jeyup S. Kwaak and Yumi Otagaki. 2013. Concern mounts in China's air-defense zone. Wall Street Journal, November 28.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Panda, Ankit, 2013a. The East China ADIZ and the curious case of South Korea. The Diplomat, November 28.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Panda, Ankit, 2013b. The Diplomat's East China Sea ADIZ analysis round-up. The Diplomat, November 30.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Tiezzi, Shannon. 2013. Why China's Air Defense Identification Zone is terrible for cross-strait relations. The Diplomat, November 28.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

Waley, Arthur and Chen Guying, trans. 1999. 《老子》 [Laozi]. Library of Chinese Classics, ed. Yang Muzhi. Changsha, Hunan: Hunan People's Publishing House and Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.

Yap, Chuin-Wei and Yang Jie. 2013. Chinese bloggers turn fire on Beijing amid U.S. B-52 challenge. China Realtime Report, November 27.
(accessed 2013-11-30).

"陳陶", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-30).


Thursday, November 28, 2013

[Music] For Your Heart Only -- Leslie Cheung

Leslie Cheung

1. This is how English Wikipedia introduced Leslie Cheung:

"Leslie Cheung (12 September 1956 – 1 April 2003) was a Hong Kong singer-songwriter, actor, film director, record producer, and screenwriter. Cheung is considered as 'one of the founder fathers of Cantopop' by 'combining a hugely successful film and music career.' He rose to prominence as a teen heartthrob and pop icon of Hong Kong in the 1980s, receiving numerous music awards including both Most Popular Male Artist Awards at the 1988 and 1989 Jade Solid Gold Best Ten Music Awards. In 1989, Cheung announced his retirement from the music industry as a pop singer. Returning to the music scene after a five-year hiatus, Cheung released his chart-topping comeback album (寵愛) which achieved a huge market success. In 1999, he won the Golden Needle Award for his outstanding achievement as a musician at the RTHK Top 10 Gold Songs Awards, and his 1984 hit song Monica was voted as Hong Kong's 'Song of the Century'. He was honoured as 'Asia's Biggest Superstar' at the 2000 CCTV-MTV Music Honours."

English Wikipedia has a very full summary of Leslie Cheung's career.

Wikipedia mentioned that "[i]n 1989, Cheung announced his retirement from the music industry as a pop singer."

One reason why Leslie Cheung retired in 1989 might be because having won all the musical awards that can be won and having no more mountains to conquer, he drew back from Cantopop.

Another reason might be because Leslie Cheung's main competitor in the 1980s, Alan Tam, announced in 1988 that he will not accept any more music awards.

It can be very lonely at the top.

2. Leslie Cheung committed suicide in 2003.

("Leslie Cheung", Wikipedia): "Cheung committed suicide on 1 April 2003 at 6:43 pm (HKT). He leapt from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, located in the Central district of Hong Kong Island. He left a suicide note saying that he had been suffering from depression. He was 46 years old."

The day Leslie Cheung committed suicide, I was in Hong Kong and was at one of my cousin's place for a family supper.

Most of Hong Kong was in shock that night.

I remember an older sister of my cousin's wife saying at the supper that she will not forgive Leslie Cheung for committing suicide.

She probably said that out of shock and broken-heartedness by her idol's suicide.

Wikipedia also mentioned that "[h]e moved to Vancouver in 1990 and became a Canadian citizen by naturalisation."

I remember seeing Leslie Cheung at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver in the early 1990s.

I lived very close to "QE Park" at the time and went there for walks many times a month.

3. For Your Heart Only ("為你鍾情") is the theme song of a 1985 Hong Kong movie of the same name.

Leslie Cheung was both the singer of the theme song and the male lead of this movie.

For You Heart Only is a soft and endearing love song.

For first time listeners of this song, try listen to this song twice in a roll:


(a) The first time with your eyes closed but the volume up.

(b) The second time also with your eyes closed but the volume down.

4. Another good sound track:


The woman that appeared between 2:04 and 2:23 is Teresa Mo, the only woman Leslie Cheung ever proposed to.

But Leslie Cheung was turned down.

5. A 1986 MV with Anita Mui as the model:



Both were top Hong Kong singers and both were also good actors, Leslie Cheung exceptionally so.

6. Leslie Cheung in concert in 1989:



7. Leslie Cheung in concert in 1997:


8. Leslie Cheung in concert in 2000:



and a karaoke version of the same concert performance:


9. A cover by Gregory:


He was singing at a bridal shops centre in China.

Gregory Charles Rivers is an Australian with a medical degree from University of New South Wales.

He is currently a Hong Kong TVB television actor.

10. A cover by Jacky Cheung:


Beautifully sung.

But I wish Jacky Cheung did not smile during the singing; it was not the right mood for the song.

11. Cover by Hacken Lee:



Very good.

12. A cover by William So:



As a person remarked in YouTube: "the strings are horrible."

13. A cover by Joey Yung in 2006:


According to a YouTube comment, the violinist was Yao Jue and the music was by the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra from the Czech Republic.

14. Leo Ku at the 2013 IFPI Award ceremony:


"IFPI" is International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.

Another one by Leo Ku, first of two songs:


15. For Your Heart Only is also a song appearing in the 2010 movie Frozen ("為你鍾情"):




The duet is by Janice Vidal and Aarif Rahman; both singers are also actors in the movie.

Frozen (2010) has the same Chinese name as the 1985 movie and was inspired by it, but the story is entirely different.

16. A live performance in 2010 by Janice Vidal and Aarif Rahman:



The singing is quite good.

But I wish Janice Vidal did not giggle at the beginning and after the performance.

The giggles did not set up the right mood for the song.

17. Janice Vidal and Aarif Rahman in concert in Malaysia in October, 2013; first of two songs:


18. A cover by Jaime Fong:


She added some English lyrics to the middle of the song.

19. He sang with a lot of feelings:


20. Anson Au at the Avenue of Stars:


The Avenue of Stars is located in Tsim Sha Tsui District, Hong Kong.

21. Piano covers:




22. A Saxophone cover:


23. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

為你鍾情 -- 張國榮

為你鍾情   傾我至誠   請你珍藏   這分情
從未對人   傾訴秘密   一生首次盡吐心聲

望你應承   給我証明   此際心弦   有共鳴
然後對人   公開心情   用那金指環做証

* 對我講一聲終於肯接受   以後同用我的姓
對我講一聲 'I do! I do!'   願意一世讓我高興

# 為你鍾情   傾我至誠   請你珍藏   這份情
然後百年   終你一生   用那真心癡愛來做証

Repeat *, #

24. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

为你钟情 -- 张国荣

为你钟情   倾我至诚   请你珍藏   这分情
从未对人   倾诉秘密   一生首次尽吐心声

望你应承   给我证明   此际心弦   有共鸣
然后对人   公开心情   用那金指环做证

* 对我讲一声终于肯接受   以后同用我的姓
对我讲一声 'I do! I do!'   愿意一世让我高兴

# 为你钟情   倾我至诚   请你珍藏   这份情
然后百年   终你一生   用那真心痴爱来做证

Repeat *, #

25. Names, Words and Phrases:

Aarif Rahman (Traditional Chinese : 李治廷; Simplified Chinese: 李治廷).

Alan Tam (Traditional: 譚詠麟; Simplified: 谭咏麟).

Anita Mui (Traditional: 梅艷芳; Simplified: 梅艳芳).

Gregory Charles Rivers (Traditional: 河國榮; Simplified: 河国荣).

Hacken Lee (Traditional: 李克勤; Simplified: 李克勤).

Jacky Cheung (Traditional: 張學友; Simplified: 张学友).

Jaime Fong (Traditional: 方珈悠; Simplified: 方珈悠).

Janice Vidal (Traditional: 衛蘭; Simplified: 卫兰).

Joey Yung (Traditional: 容祖兒; Simplified: 容祖儿).

Leo Ku (Traditional: 古巨基; Simplified: 古巨基).

Leslie Cheung (Traditional: 張國榮; Simplified: 张国荣).

Teresa Mo (Traditional: 毛舜筠; Simplified: 毛舜筠).

William So (Traditional: 蘇永康; Simplified: 苏永康).

Yao Jue (Traditional: 姚珏; Simplified: 姚珏).


"Leslie Cheung", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-28).

"Wei ni zhong qing (1985)", Internet Movie Database (imdb),
(accessed 2013-11-28).

"張國榮", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-28).

"為你鍾情 (張國榮專輯)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-28).

"為你鍾情 (1985年電影)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-28).

"為你鍾情 (2010年電影)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-28).


Sunday, November 10, 2013

[Music] Love is Everywhere -- Liza Wang

Liza Wang

1. This is how Wikipedia introduces Liza Wang ("Liza Wang", Wikipedia):

"Elizabeth 'Liza' Wang, SBS (born 28 August 1947) is an accomplished diva, actress and MC from Hong Kong. She is a well-known personality in Chinese-speaking communities. She has been nicknamed 'The Big Sister' in the HK entertainment circle. Wang was formerly a delegate in the National People's Congress from 1988 to 1997, she is currently a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference."

As English Wikipedia has a very good summary of Liza Wang's 46 years performing career, I will not repeat them here.

Let me just note one thing that I very much admired about Liza Wang: She has impeccable work ethics.

2. Love is Everywhere ("萬水千山總是情") is the theme song of the 1982 Hong Kong TVB's drama Love and Passion.

Besides singing the theme song, Liza Wang was also the lead actress of this TV drama.

This 30 episodes TV drama was broadcast to popular acclaim and is still one of the 10 all time highest rated TVB dramas.

The drama and the theme song have the identical name in Chinese: 萬水千山總是情.

But the "passion" in Love and Passion is too intense for this light-hearted love song so I translated the song title as "Love is Everywhere", which is the meaning of the Chinese anyway.

"萬" = Ten thousand.

"水" = Water.

"千" = One thousand.

"山" = Hill or mountain.

"總是" = Always.

"情" = Love, passion or affection.

"[Across] Ten thousand waters and one thousand mountains always [is] love" = "Love is Everywhere"

3. The video are excerpts from the 1982 TV drama:


4. A karaoke version of the song:


5. Liza Wang performing in 1997:


This is part of the celebration of the 1997 Handover of Hong Kong back to China.

6. Liza Wang in concert in 2009:


At over 60 years and a two times survivor of cancer (1995, thyroid; 2002, breast), Liza Wang was still very energetic.

7. Liza Wang in concert in 2010:



8. Liza Wang in concert in 2011 with music by Kitaro:


9. Liza Wang in concert in 2011 in Singapore:


The Uploader should have edited out the last 5 minutes of silence after the song.

10. The Uploader has some English subtitles for the lyrics:


The translation is only so so.

As the translating is not easy, marks for good efforts.

11. Although the video quality is not good, it has photos of Liza Wang from her early years sprinkle on the screen:


12. As with a YouTube comment, the audio quality is very good and the photos are well chosen:


13. According to the Uploader, this was broadcast on China's CCTV 4 (Music Channel) in 2009:


I wonder what year the music video was produced.

14. Other videos with Liza Wang singing:



15. This is just the music:


Both the music and video are quite nice.

16. This is also the music only:


17. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

萬水千山總是情 -- 汪明荃

* 莫說青山多障礙

# 莫說水中多變幻

@ 未怕罡風吹散了熱愛

& 聚散也有天註定

Repeat *, #, @, &


18. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

万水千山总是情 -- 汪明荃

* 莫说青山多障碍

# 莫说水中多变幻

@ 未怕罡风吹散了热爱

& 聚散也有天注定

Repeat *, #, @, &


19. Names, Words and Phrases:

Kitaro (Traditional: 喜多郎; Simplified: 喜多郎).

Liza Wang (Traditional: 汪明荃; Simplified: 汪明荃).


"Liza Wang", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-10).

"汪明荃", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-10).

"萬水千山總是情", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-11-10).


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

[Book] Library of Chinese Classics

Library of Chinese Classics

1. If you are looking for English translations of classical Chinese texts, the Library of Chinese Classics ("大中华文库") is probably the place to begin the search.

The Library of Chinese Classics is a project of the government of China.

The planning stage of this project began in 1994 and 110 titles from all areas of knowledge of the entire Chinese written corpus were selected for inclusion in the Library.

The areas of knowledge can be broadly divided into classics, philosophy, history, literature, medicine and technology.

The publishing of the titles involved 17 publishers in China under the auspices of the Foreign Languages Press of Beijing.

The first title was published in 1999.

Each volume in the Library contains 3 kinds of text:

(a) the text of the original Chinese,

(b) the text in modern Chinese,

(c) a foreign language translation.

As expected for a venture by the government of China, all the Chinese texts are in Simplified Chinese.

The volumes in the Library have an uniform layout.

The Library will use an existing translation if there is an adequate one; otherwise, the general procedure is to translate the original Chinese into modern Chinese and from the modern Chinese into English.

Each translation is revised 5 times: 3 times within the publishing house responsible for a particular title, once by the Academic Consulting Committee, and once by the Editorial Committee.

The Library is meant for the general reader and volumes in the Library do not contain any scholarly apparatus.

The foreign languages translation is in two overlapping phases:

(a) In the first phase, the Chinese titles are translated into English.

(b) In the second phase, the Chinese titles are translated into 7 other foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese and Korean.

This is a massive undertaking.

After nearly 20 years, the English translations are mostly done; but the other language translations are still ongoing.

2. Take for example the title Xunzi ("荀子").

The text of Xunzi is consisted of 32 "books" (equivalent to modern day chapters).

In the Library of Chinese Classics, these 32 books are in 2 volumes.

(a) The front cover of Xunzi:

(b) The title page of volume 1:

The English translation is an existing one by John Knoblock.

(The original English translation by John Knoblock is a critical edition with scholarly apparatus published by Stanford University Press in 3 volumes in 1988, 1990 and 1994.)

The modern Chinese translation is by Zhang Jue.

The publisher responsible for this particular title is the Hunan People's Publishing House under the auspices of the Foreign Languages Press.

(c) The contents of volume 1 in Chinese and English:

(d) The original Chinese text is on top, followed by a translation in modern Chinese on the bottom:

(e) The English translation is on the facing page:

3. Some titles from the Library of Chinese Classics:
  • 300 Early Chinese Poems (206 BC - 618 AD) ("汉魏六朝诗三百首") (2 vols.) (2006)
  • A Dream of Red Mansions ("红楼梦") (6 vols.) (1999)
  • A Dream under the Southern Bough ("南柯记") (2006)
  • A Record of the Buddhist Monasteries in Lu-Yang ("洛阳伽蓝记") (2007)
  • Amazing Tales: Second Series ("二刻拍案惊奇") (4 vols.) (2008)
  • Anthology of Tales from Records of the Taiping Era ("太平广记选") (2 vols.) (2007)
  • Creation of the Gods ("封神演义") (4 vols.) (2000)
  • Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind ("文心凋龙") (2 vols.) (2003)
  • Gems of Classical Chinese Poetry ("新编千家诗") (2006)
  • Guanzi ("管子") (4 vols.) (2005)
  • Huai Nan Zi ("淮南子") (3 vols.) (2010)
  • Jade Mirror of the Four Unknowns ("四元玉鉴") (2 vols.) (2006)
  • Journey to the West ("西游记") (6 vols.) (2000)
  • Laozi ("老子") (1999)
  • Liezi ("列子") (2005)
  • Mencius ("孟子") (1999)
  • Mozi ("墨子") (2 vols.) (2006)
  • Outlaws of the Marsh ("水浒传") (5 vols.) (1999)
  • Records on the Warring States Period ("战国策") (3 vols.) (2008)
  • Selected Chinese Stories of the Song and Ming Dynasties ("宋明评话选") (2 vols.) (2007)
  • Selected Poems of Li Bai ("李白诗选") (2007)
  • Selected Poems of Su Shi ("苏轼诗词选") (2007)
  • Selected Tales of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties Periods ("汉魏六朝小说选") (2006)
  • Selected Tang Dynasty Stories ("唐代传奇选") (2007)
  • Selections from Records of the Historian ("史记选") (3 vols.) (2008)
  • Selections from Records of the Listener ("夷坚志选") (2009)
  • Selections from Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio ("聊斋志异选") (4 vols.) (2007)
  • Six Records of a Floating Life ("浮生六记") (2006)
  • Sunzi: The Art of War; Sun Bin: The Art of War ("孙子兵法,孙膑兵法") (1999)
  • Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber (Jingui Yaolue) ("金匮要略") (2007)
  • Taibai Yinjing ("太白阴经") (2007)
  • Tending the Roots of Wisdom ("菜根谭") (2003)
  • The Analects, 2nd Edition ("论语" 第2版) (2008)
  • The Book of Lord Shang ("商君书") (2006)
  • The Book of Poetry ("诗经") (2 vols.) (2008)
  • The Classified Characters and Political Abilities ("人物志") (2007)
  • The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming ("陶渊明集") (2003)
  • The Handan Dream ("邯郸记") (2003)
  • The Peony Pavilion ("牡丹亭") (2 vols.) (2000)
  • The Poems of Ruan Ji ("阮籍诗选") (2006)
  • The Scholars ("儒林外史") (3 vols.) (1999)
  • The Six Strategies ("六韬") (2005)
  • The Spring and Autumn of Lu Buwei ("吕氏春秋") (3 vols.) (2005)
  • The Tale of Heroic Sons and Daughters ("儿女英雄传") (2 vols.) (2003)
  • The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong; Questions and Replies Between Tang Taizong and Li Weigong ("黄石公三略,唐太宗李卫公问对") (2005)
  • The Verse of Chu ("楚辞") (2006)
  • The Zhou Book of Change ("周易") (2 vols.) (2008)
  • Three Kingdoms ("三国演义") (5 vols.) (2000)
  • Treatise on Febrile Caused by Cold ("伤寒论") (2007)
  • Wu Zi; The Method of the Sima; Wei Liao Zi ("吴子,司马法,尉缭子") (2005)
  • Xunzi ("荀子") (2 vols.) (1999)
  • Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine: Plain Conversation ("黄帝内经:素问") (3 vols.) (2005)
  • Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine: Spiritual Pivot ("黄帝内经:灵枢") (3 vols.) (2008)
  • Yellow Emperor's Four Canons ("黄帝四经") (2006)


"大中华文库", Baidu,
(accessed 2013-10-22).

"《大中华文库》汉英对照版110种即将出齐", China Reading Weekly,
(accessed 2013-10-22).

"向世界说明中国 汉英对照《大中华文库》全球首发", China.org.cn,
(accessed 2013-10-22).

Knoblock, John, and Zhang Jue, trans. 1999. 《荀子 I》 [Xunzi I]. Library of Chinese Classics, ed. Yang Muzhi. Changsha, Hunan: Hunan People's Publishing House and Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.

Knoblock, John, and Zhang Jue, trans. 1999. 《荀子 II》 [Xunzi II]. Library of Chinese Classics, ed. Yang Muzhi. Changsha, Hunan: Hunan People's Publishing House and Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

[Music] A Chance Encounter -- Samantha Lam

Samantha Lam

1. The last time I listened to A Chance Encounter ("偶遇") was over twenty years ago.

When I listened to it recently in YouTube, the tempo of this song seems slow.

Yet when listening to it a second time, I realized it had to be slow.

The emotions and feelings expressed by the lyrics dictated that the tempo of this song has to be slow.

The song expresses the feelings and moods of a young girl in love.

2. A Chance Encounter was the theme song of the 1984 Hong Kong movie A Certain Romance.

This song won many awards including the Best Original Song in the 1985 Hong Kong Film Awards.

The original singer, Samantha Lam, was active in Cantopop mostly from the early to late 1980s.

Unlike some artists who were into many areas of the performing arts, Samantha Lam only sang.

But she has also composed some songs and lyrics of her own.

3. A Chance Encounter (1984) by Samantha Lam.


This music video consists of scenes from A Certain Romance (1984):


Music videos from 1984 / 1985:



These are just the song:





4. The Hong Kong singer Sammi Cheng:



5. CoCo Lee is a Chinese American born in Hong Kong:


First of three songs.

6. Mag Lam of Hong Kong in 2010:


She did not seem to interpret this song right.

7. The Taiwanese singer MENG Ting-Wei singing in Mandarin:


8. The Taiwanese singer Michelle Pan singing in Mandarin:



9. Lily Chan is from mainland China:


I enjoy the violin portion of the video very much.

10. A rare male singing of the song:



11. A piano cover:


Permit me a minor criticism.

The uploader translates the song title as "Serendipity".

Serendipity has a positive connotation that seems wrong for this song with its underlying moods of love-worries and uncertainity.

12. Other piano covers:




13. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:


偶遇 -- 林志美

* 風 帶著微笑輕吹 天空裡雲偶遇
難忘是當天你 那默然的相醉

# 心 印下微笑的影 天天去回味
迷人是一剎那 再回頭已是沒法追

@ 看著看著你 來來去去
哪日才可 哪日才許 再共你相遇

& 要是以後有緣能見你
會是如歌 會是如詩

Repeat: *, #, @, &

14. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

偶遇 -- 林志美

* 風 帶著微笑輕吹 天空裡雲偶遇
難忘是當天你 那默然的相醉

# 心 印下微笑的影 天天去回味
迷人是一剎那 再回頭已是沒法追

@ 看著看著你 來來去去
哪日才可 哪日才許 再共你相遇

& 要是以後有緣能見你
會是如歌 會是如詩

Repeat: *, #, @, &

15. Names, Words and Phrases:

A Certain Romance (Traditional Chinese: 少女日記; Simplified Chinese: 少女日記).

Best Original Song (Traditional: 最佳原創電影歌曲; Simplified: 最佳原创电影歌曲).

CoCo Lee (Traditional: 李玟; Simplified: 李玟).

Hong Kong Film Awards (Traditional: 香港電影金像獎; Simplified: 香港电影金像奖).

Lily Chan (Traditional: 陳潔麗; Simplified: 陈洁丽).

Mag Lam (Traditional: 林欣彤; Simplified: 林欣彤).

Meng Ting-Wei (Traditional: 孟庭葦; Simplified: 孟庭苇).

Michelle Pan (Traditional: 潘越雲, Simplified: 潘越云).

Samantha Lam (Traditional: 林志美; Simplified: 林志美).

Sammi Cheng (Traditional: 鄭秀文; Simplified: 郑秀文).


"Samantha Lam (singer)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-19).

"林志美", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-19).

"少女日記", Hong Kong Movie Database,
(accessed 2013-10-19).


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

[Opinion] A Pessimistic View of China in the Intermediate Run

1. I am going to stick my neck out and express a pessimistic view of China in the intermediate run: Politically, China will take a sharp left-turn.

This blogpost is occasioned by two things:

(a) my recent re-reading of Ray Huang's China: A Macro History (1990), and

(b) the recent large-scale selling of assets by Li Ka-shing in both Hong Kong and mainland China.

2. In economics, the time horizon for analysis is not defined by actual time, but by a hypothetical framework that considers the variability of the factors of production.

"Short-run" is the time frame in which all factors of production are assumed to be fixed.

"Intermediate-run" is the time frame in which some factors of production are assumed to be variable and some to be fixed.

"Long-run" is the time frame in which all factors of production are assumed to be variable.

3. This blogpost will consider two macro factors: politics and economics.

My view is that economics is a variable factor in any analysis of China and politics a fixed factor.

As time passes, the variable factor will suffer diminishing marginal return relative to the fixed factor.

One reason is because the advantage of the variable factor relative to the fixed factor is being used up.

Similarly, in China the advantage of (a variable) economic reform relative to a (fixed) totalitarian Communist government is being used up.

My instinct is that the recent large-scale selling of assets by Li Ka-shing signals the onset of diminishing marginal return of the economic reform relative to the political system in China.

And if China does not reform its political system (and I do not see any signs of it doing so), then it will not be able to handle all the problems that have been arising from a free market economy.

And if that is so, the only way it can maintain stability is to take a sharp left-turn.

I expect that will happen in the intermediate-run (however long that turns out to be).

4. The economic reform in China since 1978 has been very impressive.

The rate of change might even have been unprecedented in human history.

The same cannot be said of China's political reform.

The Communist Party has always puts it own interest above the national interest of China.

In the first 30 years of economic reform, there has been a happy coincidence between the two; that is, the economic interest of the Communist Party and that of the national interest of China coincided.

But the signs of divergence between the two have become more and more prominent.

And as we have learned from Milton Freidman (1962), a market economy is only compatible with certain political forms.

A country that adopts a market economy with its consumer sovereignty will inevitably put pressure on the government to become freer.

A reason being that to maintain a free market a government must adopt policies in response to its consumers, be that government democratically elected or totalitarian.

With its totalitarian instinct, the Communist Party of China has been resisting political reform.

Although democracy is the best known political form to express freedom, I will not equate freedom with democracy.

But there are signs that the current Chinese experiment with a free economic sphere coupled with a controlled political sphere is faltering.


"Capitalism and Freedom", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-16).

"Consumer sovereignty", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-16).

"Diminishing returns", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-16).

"Li Ka-shing", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-16).

"Ray Huang", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-16).

Freidman, Milton. 1962. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.

Huang, Ray. 1990. China: A Macro History. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

[Music] Cantonese Opera -- Princess Changping (part of Act 8)

Album Covers for Princess Changping

1. An uploader in YouTube remarked that "[t]his is probably the most well-known excerpt from the most-watched Cantonese Opera in the world."

I concur.

I suspect there will be instant recognition if you hum a few bars of this excerpt to a Cantonese Chinese anywhere in the world.

2. The Chinese title of this Cantonese Opera is "帝女花".

"帝" = Emperor.

"女" = Daughter.

"花" = Flower.

The "Emperor's daughter" refers to in the title is Princess Changping (1629 - 1646), a daughter of the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) -- Emperor Chongzhen (1611 - 1644).

The current edition of this Cantonese opera is consisted of 8 Acts:

Act 1 -- Oath Under the Twins Tree ("樹盟")

Act 2 -- Princess' Sufferings ("香劫")

Act 3 -- Bearing For Princess' Dead Body ("乞屍")

Act 4 -- Reunion at the Nunnery ("庵遇")

Act 5 -- Recognizing each other ("相認")

Act 6 -- Welcome Princess ("迎鳳")

Act 7 -- Negotiating with the Qing Emperor ("上表")

Act 8 -- The Fragrant Death ("香夭")

The video excerpt is from the latter part of Act 8 -- The Fragrant Death.

3. All Cantonese operas tell stories.

The opera Princess Changping tells the tragic love story of Princess Changping which happened during the last days of the Ming Dynasty.

The story as told by this opera has some historical but many fictional elements.

In the opera, Princess Changping has already chosen her husband and was about to be married when the Qing invader entered the capital Beijing.

Her husband-to-be was Zhou Shixian.

In Act 8 of this opera, Emperor Chongzhen has already committed suicide and Princess Changping and Zhou Shixian also determined to follow suit.

But she intended to do so only after negotiating with the new Qing Emperor for the proper burial of her father and the safety of the Crown Prince.

The new Qing Emperor, unaware of Princess Changping and Zhou Shixian's intention to commit suicide, arranged for them to be married.

The scene in the video excerpt was when Princess Changping and Zhou Shixian committed suicide by drinking poison during their marriage ceremony.

4. This video excerpt is re-mastered from the 1959 film version of the opera:


The English subtitle is quite well done.

Princess Changping was portrayed by Bak Suet-Sin (female) and Zhou Shixian by Yum Kim-Fai (also female).

They were the original singers of this opera.

In Hong Kong, Yum Kim-Fai and Bak Suet-Sin are popularly known together as Yum / Bak.

This particular video excerpt has achieved legendary status and is considered a must see for any fans of Cantonese culture.

5. Another version of the same film clip:


6. A performance by Yum / Bak in 1972 for a TV fundraiser after a landslide disaster in Hong Kong:



The landslide disaster due to heavy rainfall happened on June 18 and the TV fundraiser was on June 24.

Many well-known Hong Kong performers appeared in this TV fundraiser, including Bruce Lee.

I actually have some memories of watching this performance on TV when it was broadcast live in 1972.

That was over 40 years ago!

If I remembered correctly, many performers only received notification in the afternoon and then they have to appear on TV the same night.

So do excuse Yum / Bak just standing there singing without any appropriate costumes.

Also, according to a YouTube comment, Yum Kim-Fai was running a high-fever during the performance.

So please also excuse her singing from the lyrics book during the performance.

7. A cover by the students of Yum / Bak in the 1976 film version of the opera:


Princess Changping was portrayed by Mui Suet-See (female) and Zhou Shixian by Loong Kim-Sang (also female).

Mui Suet-See and Loong Kim-Sang were students of Yum / Bak.

This 1976 film was directed by John Woo whom also directed, among others, Mission Impossible II (2000) starring Tom Cruise.

8. Other covers by Mui Suet-See and Loong Kim-Sang:





9. A new interpretation by Mui Suet-See and Loong Kim-Sang in 2006:


10. A cover by Mui Suet-See and Connie Chan:


Princess Changping was portrayed by Mui Suet-See (female) and Zhou Shixian by Connie Chan (also female).

Connie Chan was one of the Seven Princesses of Hong Kong cinemas.

She was also a student of Bak Suet-Sin.

11. A cover by Liza Wang and Adam Cheng in 2011:


Liza Wang has Cantonese opera training and Adam Cheng's voice is very well suited for Cantonese opera.

The music arrangement was by Kitaro (Masanori Takahashi). .

12. A cover by Liza Wang and Leslie Cheung:



Yum Kim-Fai passed away in 1989.

This performance in 1999 was for a TV program commemorating her 10th anniversary.

13. Both Susan Tse and Wen Qian-sui are professional Cantonese opera singers:


But their performance seems to lack emotional engagement.

14. A cover by Joyce Koi and Steven Ma:


Although Joyce Koi is also an actress, her background is in Cantonese opera.

Steven Ma is an actor whom also sings a bit on the side, but his singing of this Cantonese opera is an F (fail).

15. A cover by Donald Cheung and Amy Hu:


16. A cover by Jackson Wan and Cheung Mei-Lam:


17. A 2009 cover by Lau Wai-Ming and Li Shuqin:


Princess Changping was portrayed by Li Shuqin (female) and Zhou Shixian by Lau Wai-Ming (also female).

18. This live performance by Lau Wai-Ming and Li Shuqin is quite impressive:


19. This is just the music:


20. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

帝女花之香夭 -- 任劍輝 & 白雪仙





【生】不須侍女伴身旁,下去 。




























21. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

帝女花之香夭 -- 任剑辉 & 白雪仙

































22. Names, Words and Phrases:

Adam Cheng (Traditional Chinese: 鄭少秋; Simplified Chinese: 郑少秋).

Amy Hu (Traditional: 胡美儀; Simplified: 胡美仪).

Bak Suet-Sin (Traditional: 白雪仙; Simplified: 白雪仙).

Cantonese Opera (Traditional: 粵曲; Simplified: 粤曲).

Cheung Mei-Lam (Traditional: 張美琳; Simplified: 张美琳).

Connie Chan (Traditional: 陳寶珠; Simplified: 陈宝珠).

Donald Cheung (張偉文; Simplified: 张伟文).

Emperor Chongzhen (Traditional: 崇禎皇帝; Simplified: 崇祯皇帝).

Jackson Wan (Traditional: 尹光; Simplified: 尹光).

John Woo (Traditional: 吳宇森; Simplified: 吴宇森).

Joyce Koi (Traditional: 蓋鳴暉; Simplified: 盖鸣晖).

Kitaro (Traditional: 喜多郎; Simplified: 喜多郎).

Lau Wai-Ming (Traditional: 劉惠鳴; Simplified: 刘惠鸣).

Leslie Cheung (Traditional: 張國榮; Simplified: 张国荣).

Li Shuqin (Traditional: 李淑勤; Simplified: 李淑勤).

Liza Wang (Traditional: 汪明荃; Simplified: 汪明荃).

Loong Kim-Sang (Traditional: 龍劍笙; Simplified: 龙剑笙).

Masanori Takahashi (Traditional: 高橋正則; Simplified: 高桥正则).

Mui Suet-See (Traditional: 梅雪詩; Simplified: 梅雪诗).

Princess Changping (person) (Traditional: 長平公主; Simplified: 长平公主).

Princess Changping (opera title) (Traditional: 帝女花; Simplified: 帝女花).

Qing (Traditional: 清; Simplified: 清).

Steven Ma (Traditional: 馬浚偉; Simplified: 马浚伟).

Susan Tse (Traditional: 謝雪心; Simplified: 谢雪心).

Wen Qian-sui (Traditional: 文千歲; Simplified: 文千岁).

Yum Kim-Fai (Traditional: 任劍輝; Simplified: 任剑辉).

Zhou Shixian (Traditional: 周世顯; Simplified: 周世显).


"Chongzhen Emperor", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"Princess Changping", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"崇禎帝", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"長平公主", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"帝女花", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"唐滌生", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"任劍輝", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).

"白雪仙", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2013-10-13).
