Wednesday, October 19, 2016

[Book] Klaus Bockmuehl -- The Challenge of Marxism (1980)

Klaus Bockmuehl : The Challenge of Marxism (1980)

 Klaus Bockmuehl (1931-1989)

1. I am re-reading some 20 to 30 books that have a formative influence on me during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Among the books is Klaus Bockmuehl's The Challenge of Marxism: A Christian Response (1980).

Klaus Bockmuehl (1931-1989) was professor of theology and ethics at Regent College here in Vancouver.


2. One of my undergraduate subjects was Economics.

A highlight of my economics studies was taking a 3rd year course on Comparative Economic Systems.

The semester I took the Comparative Economic Systems course it was taught by a visiting professor from Hungary.

The course had over 100 students the semester I took it and the professor was favoring some form of Democratic Socialism.

Not one shy in asking questions, I asked the visiting professor many embarrassing questions about Democratic Socialism during the lectures that he was not able to answer.

But I was very impressed with the professor in that he treated my questions honestly and he said he did not had an answer when he did not.

The mid-term was a take home essay exam and for my essay, I contrasted certain views of Karl Marx and Milton Friedman from their respective Capital: Critique of Political Economy (original 1867-1894) and Capitalism and Freedom (1962).

Not only did I get a handsome grade for the mid-term, the professor invited me to his office for a discussion about my paper afterwards.


3. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Marxism as an ideology was passe.

I was never seduce by Marxism, but I was puzzled why many intelligent people find it fascinating and convincing.

Klaus Bockmuehl was originally from Germany and his book has mainly the Western intellectuals in view.

But Marxism was not only a Western phenomenon.

Many Chinese intellectuals from the 1910s to well into the 1950s were also seduced by it.

The Challenge of Marxism (1980) was written before the dissolution of the Soviet Union and it explained for me why many people the world over find Marxism fascinating.

Bockmuehl thesis was that Marxism was a secular religion and it advocated a secular counterpart of Christianity's Kingdom of God.

There were many structural similarities between Christianity and Marxism because both are forms of ideologies.

Like Christianity, Marxism was not only an academic theory but it also had a program to bring about the Marxist utopia.

As the famous Thesis 11 from Karl Marx's 1845 essay "Theses On Feuerbach" said: "Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it."

20th Century history took a big detour with Marxism and Marxism was buried with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.



Bockmuehl, Klaus. 1980. The Challenge of Marxism: A Christian Response. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

[Music] Alan Tam -- Who Can Change?

Alan Tam

Poster for The Fearless Duo (1984)

1. In a previous post I mentioned that there were 4 books that brought me to tears while reading them when I was a teenager.

The first one was Lin Yutang's My Country and My People (1935).

I do not remember the order in which I read the other 3 books.

But among the three is the martial arts novel The Saga of the Jade Bow ("雲海玉弓緣") (1961) by Liang Yusheng.

2. Liang Yusheng is one of the "big three" martial arts (or "wuxia") novel writers in the second half of the 20th Century; the other two being Jin Yong and Gu Long.

I have read all the novels by Jin Yong and Gu Long and about 10 of the many works by Liang Yusheng.

Like other literature, The Saga of the Jade Bow (1961) is about human nature and human conflicts.

The strand of this novel that brought me to tears is the love triangle between a guy and two girls.

The Guy loves Girl A who is from an "upright" martial arts school.

Girl B, who is from a "corrupt" martial arts school, also loves this Guy.

But Girl B is very strong willed and she tried to bring the Guy to her by forcing him to his knees.

In the last chapter of the novel, Girl B has poisoned Girl A and Girl B will give the antidote to the Guy only if he will bow to her and marry her.

As the Guy was about to bow down, Girl B relented.

I have only given the briefest description of a very complicated situation and the actual writing about this episode in The Saga of the Jade Bow (1961) is very touching.

3. Who Can Change? ("
誰可改變") by Alan Tam is the theme song of the 1984 Hong Kong TVB TV drama The Fearless Duo.

The love strand in this TV drama is also about a girl who loves this guy but the guy will not reciprocate her love; but as she gave up on him, the guy came to love her.

Unlike The Saga of the Jade Bow (1961), a happy ending!

4. Who Can Change? (1984) by Alan Tam:



5. Alan Tam and Jacky Cheung:

Alan Tam and Cecilia Cheung:

Covers by Priscilla Chan:

A cover by Leon Lai:

A cover by Andy Lau:

6. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

誰可改變 -- 譚詠麟


曾經說出   今生不愛你
情切是你   癡癡相戀
將心中愛念   為我捐

如今我竟   竟將心意轉
心中的愛念盡化煙   能否改變

* 還想再等   沒法息愛念
但偏偏你   回頭也倦
煩惱是我   流淚更無言

# 誰可以將   將光陰倒轉
再讓往日   復現眼前
能再共你   漫步田園
心中的愛念為你牽   求可改變

心中的愛念盡化煙 能否改變

Repeat *, #

7. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

谁可改变 -- 谭咏麟


曾经说出   今生不爱你
情切是你   痴痴相恋
将心中爱念   为我捐

如今我竟   竟将心意转
心中的爱念尽化烟   能否改变

* 还想再等   没法息爱念
但偏偏你   回头也倦
烦恼是我   流泪更无言

# 谁可以将   将光阴倒转
再让往日   复现眼前
能再共你   漫步田园
心中的爱念为你牵   求可改变

心中的爱念尽化烟   能否改变

Repeat *, #

8. Names, Words and Phrases:

Alan Tam (Traditional Chinese: 譚詠麟; Simplified Chinese: 谭咏麟).

Andy Lau (Traditional: 劉德華; Simplified: 刘德华).

Cecilia Cheung (Traditional: 張栢芝; Simplified: 张柏芝).

Gu Long (Traditional: 古龍; Simplified: 古龙).

Jacky Cheung (Traditional: 張學友; Simplified: 张学友).

Jin Yong (Traditional: 金庸; Simplified: 金庸).

Leon Lai (Traditional: 黎明; Simplified: 黎明).

Liang Yusheng (Traditional: 梁羽生; Simplified: 梁羽生).

Lin Yutang (Traditional: 林語堂; Simplified: 林语堂).

My Country and My People (Traditional: 吾國與吾民; Simplified: 吾国与吾民).

Priscilla Chan (Traditional: 陳慧嫻; Simplified: 陈慧娴).

The Fearless Duo (Traditional: 天師執位; Simplified: 天师执位).

The Saga of the Jade Bow (Traditional: 雲海玉弓緣; Simplified: 云海玉弓缘).

Wuxia novels (Traditional: 武俠小說; Simplified: 武侠小说).


"Liang Yusheng", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-09-28).

"梁羽生", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-09-28).

"雲海玉弓緣", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-09-28).

"武俠小說", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-09-28).

"天師執位", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-09-28).


Monday, May 30, 2016

[Music] Roman Tam -- A Chinese Dream

Candlelight for the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre


1. Has reading a book ever brings you to tears?

In my teens, there was a period when I was quite emotional and I remember there were four books that brought me to tears when reading them.

The first book was Lin Yutang's My Country and My People (1935).

I did all my secondary school in Vancouver and I chanced upon Lin's book in the small library of my school when I was in Grade 8.

Like anyone in their teens, there were many psychological tasks one has to master and one of those was to establish one's identity.

Although very appreciative of the multi-culturalism of Canada, I was having difficulties relating my Chinese heritage to my identity.

Reading Lin Yutang's My Country and My People (1935) reinforced that my Chinese heritage was part of my identity.

But in what ways?

That took many years to work out.

2. A Chinese Dream ("中國夢") (1984) by Roman Tam is one song that always brings out the "Chinese feelings" inside me.

The lyrics are nationalistic but not triumphalist.

The lyrics speak to what Chinese hopes China will become.

This song has been sung many times over the years in the Candlelight Vigil for June 4 Massacre held annually at Victoria Park in Hong Kong.

Tears always well-up in my eyes when the lyrics come to:

("That every Chinese will see happiness")

("Laughter and smiles will long be heard and seen along the Yellow River")

("Countless Chinese dreams in five thousand years")

("Are but the same in content")

3. The late Roman Tam singing A Chinese Dream ("中國夢") (1984):

Roman Tam singing in Concert for Democracy in China (1989):

Music video by Roman Tam:

Roman Tam in concert:

4. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

中國夢 -- 羅文


我的夢和你的夢   每一個夢源自黃河
五千年無數的渴望   在河中滔滔過
那一個夢澎湃歡樂   那一個夢傾湧苦楚
有幾回唐漢風範   讓同胞不受折磨

* 那天我中國展步   何時睡獅吼響驚世歌
沖天開覓向前路   巨龍揮出自我
要中國人人見歡樂   笑聲笑面長伴黃河
五千年無數中國夢   內容始終一個

Repeat *

要中國人人每一個做 自由樂暢幸福我

5. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

中国梦 -- 罗文


我的梦和你的梦   每一个梦源自黄河
五千年无数的渴望   在河中滔滔过
那一个梦澎湃欢乐   那一个梦倾涌苦楚
有几回唐汉风范   让同胞不受折磨

* 那天我中国展步   何时睡狮吼响惊世歌
冲天开觅向前路   巨龙挥出自我
要中国人人见欢乐   笑声笑面长伴黄河
五千年无数中国梦   内容始终一个

Repeat *

要中国人人每一个做   自由乐畅幸福我

6. Names, Words and Phrases:

Candlelight Vigil for June 4 Massacre (Traditional Chinese: 維園六四燭光晚會; Simplified Chinese: 维园六四烛光晚会).

Concert for Democracy in China (Traditional: 民主歌聲獻中華; Simplified: 民主歌声献中华).

Lin Yutang (Traditional: 林語堂; Simplified: 林语堂).

My Country and My People (Traditional: 吾國與吾民; Simplified: 吾国与吾民).

Roman Tam (Traditional: 羅文; Simplified: 罗文).


"Lin Yutang", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"Roman Tam", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"林語堂", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"羅文", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"吾國與吾民", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"中國夢 (歌曲)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"中国梦 (罗文演唱歌曲)",,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"民主歌聲獻中華", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).

"維園六四燭光晚會", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-05-30).


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

[Opinion] China's Path to Dictatorship?

1. I am very alarmed by the institutional reforms Xi Jinping is undertaking in China.

Under the guise of anti-corruption and efficiency, Xi Jinping is making far reaching institutional reforms.

Collectively, I believe the reforms set the stage for dictatorship by dismantling whatever checks and balances there are in China.

2. China's 2016 Military Reform is a step in the wrong direction.

China's military is under the control of the communist party and to prevent the in-fighting of the communist party from spilling into the military, the Chinese military has traditionally dispersed its power among the Central Military Commission, the four general headquarters, and the seven military regions.

The 2016 Military reform has completely reorganized the chain of command and the command authority.

The 2016 Military Reform has streamlined the chain of command but at the same time destroyed the traditional check and balance within the Chinese military.

The 2016 reform is more suited for a democratic country where the military is under civilian control than for an authoritarian state such as China.

3. The Communist Youth League is one of the traditional training ground and power base of the Communist Party of China.

Hu Yaobang (General Secretary 1982 -1987), Hu Jintao (General Secretary 2002 - 2012), and Li Keqiang (Premier 2013 - present) were all one-time First Secretary of the Communist Youth League of China.

According to news reports, the budget of the Communist Youth League for 2016 has been slashed to 306 million yuan from 2015's 624 million yuan.

That is a reduction of over 50% in one year.

The budget reduction coupled with a yet to be announced reorganization plan might crippled the Communist Youth League.

The Communist Youth League provides a check on the power of Xi Jinping who is from a different power base, the "Second Generation Reds".

4. There is a rumor that discussion has begun about reorganizing the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The Politburo Standing Committee has traditionally been composed of between 5 to 9 members; the current number of members is 7.

The rumor is that abolishing the Politburo Standing Committee is on the discussion table.

How the Politburo Standing Committee will be reorganize is another bellwether for the check and balance of power in China.

5. The need for check and balance on power is rooted in human nature.

There is both a noble side and an ugly side to human nature.

In politics, the ugly side of human nature is manifested in the hunger for power to control others.

As Lord Acton (1834-1902) famously said: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I am very alarmed by the recent institutional reforms of Xi Jinping because he is destroying the check and balance on power in China in the name of anti-corruption and efficiency.

Given the authoritarian nature of the Chinese government, the dismantling of the checks and balances may be a prelude to dictatorship.

Will Xi Jinping going to be the General Secretary for life?


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

[Music and Opinion] Ghost in the Shell – Some Theme Songs

Posters for Ghost in the Shell

Scarlett Johansson vs. Motoko Kusanagi


1. A headline in today's BBC News app grasps my attention (BBC News 2016):

"Scarlett Johansson's casting sparks 'whitewashing debate' "

"Scarlett Johansson's latest role has caused a stir because she plays an Asian character."

"Johansson has been cast in the Hollywood remake of the Japanese anime Ghost in the Shell. It's led to a row about 'whitewashing'. "

2. ("Ghost in the Shell", Wikipedia):

"Ghost in the Shell (攻殻機動隊 Kōkaku Kidōtai?, literally "Mobile Armored Riot Police") is a Japanese media franchise originally published as a seinen manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow. The manga, first serialized in 1989 under the subtitle of The Ghost in the Shell, and later published as its own tankōbon volumes by Kodansha, told the story of the fictional counter-cyberterrorist organization Public Security Section 9, led by protagonist Major Motoko Kusanagi, in the mid 21st century of Japan."

3. I have been a fan of the Ghost in the Shell anime franchise for a long time.

I watched Season 1 of the TV Series when it was first broadcasted on Canada's YTV channel in 2005.

I must have watched Season 1 of the anime, called Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, at least 5 times; also more than once of Season 2, the 4 anime movies, and the third TV series Ghost in the Shell: Arise.

In terms of the storyline, Ghost in the Shell: Arise is the prequel for the series.

There are some original video animations that have not been subbed or dubbed into English and I have not watch them.

4. A listing of the Ghost in the Shell anime TV series and anime films ("Ghost in the Shell", Wikipedia):

(a) Anime TV:

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002 - 2003) (26 episodes)

Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG (2004 - 2005) (26 episodes)

Ghost in the Shell: Arise (2015) (10 episodes)

(b) Anime Films:

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004)

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society (2006)

Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (2015)

5. Ghost in the Shell (2017 film) starring Scarlett Johansson will be the first non-anime film in the franchise and irony of ironies, it will be a Hollywood production.

There is a controversy about the casting because Scarlett Johansson, a white person, is casted as Major Motoko Kusanagi, a very Japanese character and this leads to the controversy of "whitewashing".

What is also surprising is that the controversy is mainly a western affairs while the Japanese fans themselves seems more or less ok with it (Blair 2016).

Kwame Opam has a thoughtful discussion of the issues in (Opam 2016).

6. I find all the anime of the franchise to be very thoughtful.

Many themes are explored in the anime and they are wide ranging and some are in depth.

I will just mention one minor theme -- the Japanese animators' impression of the Chinese people.

(Since the anime franchise is spread over many years with many different animators, by "Japanese animators" I mean only a generalized group of Japanese people.)

(a) The Japanese animators’ impression of Hong Kong is one of exotic curiosities.

In the anime movie Ghost in the Shell (1995), there are two sequences that recognizably use Hong Kong as their backdrop: one is of Yau Me Tei District on the Kowloon peninsula and the other is of Causeway Bay District on Hong Kong Island.

The Causeway Bay sequence is obviously viewing Hong Kong while riding the tram line.

(b) The Japanese animators have a low opinion of the quality of mainland Chinese.

Season 1, Episode 14 of the TV Series is called "SA: Automated Capitalism – ¥€$" (Zenjidō Shihonshugi ¥€$" (全自動資本主義 ¥€$)).

("List of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex episodes", Wikipedia):

"Acting on a tip, Section 9 breaks up a cabal of thieves planning to rob a Japanese financial institution. Shortly after the raid, a Chinese intelligence official contacts Section 9 and informs them of suspicious activity that he believes may indicate an assassination attempt by Chinese Socialists on Kanemoto Yokose, a prominent, yet reclusive, Japanese billionaire."

The Chinese intelligence official talked with the head of Public Security Section 9, Aramaki, through video conferencing.

In the video conference, instead of the actual person, an avatar of the person speaking was displayed to the other side.

But the Japanese animators showed that the Chinese intelligence official was actually clipping his toenails while talking with section Chief Aramaki.

Not complimentary at all.

(c) The Japanese animators' impression of Taiwan is one of familiarity.

The backdrop for Season 2, Episode 17 of the TV Series, called "DI: Mother and Child – RED DATA" (Shūkō Boshi RED DATA" (修好母子 RED DATA)), is Taiwan.

Although the animators tried to depict some local distinctives of Taiwan, but the Taiwan in this episode seems like just another Japanese city.

Maybe this is due to Taiwan being a former Japanese colony?

7. The opening theme song of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is "Inner Universe":

8. The closing theme song of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is "Lithium Flower":

9. The opening theme song of Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG is "Rise":

10. The closing theme song of Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG is "Living Inside the Shell":

11. "I Do" -- A tribute to and lament for the love between Motoko Kusanagi and Hideo Kuze that was not meant to be:


12. Added: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

When introducing the songs of Ghost in the Shell, how can I forget the hauntingly beautiful introductory song for Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004):


Ashcraft, Brian. 2016. "The Japanese Internet Reacts to Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell". Kotaku, April 18.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

BBC News. 2016. "Is Scarlett Johansson casting Hollywood 'whitewashing'?". BBC News, April 19.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Blair, Gavin J. 2016. "Scarlett Johansson in 'Ghost in the Shell': Japanese Industry, Fans Surprised by 'Whitewashing' Outrage". The Hollywood Reporter, April 19.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Chan, Melissa. 2016. "Photo of Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell Reignites ‘Whitewashing’ Controversy". TIME, April 18.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Child, Ben. 2016a. "‘Whitewashing’ row over Scarlett Johansson's Ghost in the Shell role reignites". The Guardian, April 15.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Child, Ben. 2016b. "Why Max Landis is wrong about Scarlett Johansson's 'whitewashed' Ghost in the Shell remake". The Guardian, April 18.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Han, Angie. 2016. "Why Hollywood’s Whitewashing of ‘Doctor Strange’ and ‘Ghost in the Shell’ Is So Frustrating." Film - Blogging the Reel World, April 18.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Opam, Kwame. 2016. "Scarlett Johansson’s Ghost in the Shell casting is even worse than it seems". The Verge, April 18.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Romano, Nick. 2016. "Max Landis on Scarlett Johansson's Ghost in the Shell casting". Entertainment, April 16.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

Sampson, Mike. 2016. "Exclusive: ‘Ghost in the Shell’ Producers Reportedly Tested Visual Effects That Would Make White Actors Appear Asian". Screen Crush, April 15.
(accessed 2014-04-19).

"Ghost in the Shell", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2014-04-19).

"List of Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG episodes", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2014-04-19).

"List of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex episodes", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2014-04-19).

"Music of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2014-04-19).


Friday, April 15, 2016

[Music] Long Nights like the Blue-Green Sky and Ocean -- Cheng Kam-Cheong

Cheng Kam-Cheong

1. First Chinese Poem of the Day:

李商隱 (813 - circa 858)

<< 嫦娥 >>



2. Second Chinese Poem of the Day:

張若虛 (circa 660 - 720)

<< 春江花月夜 >>






江畔何人初見月? 江月何年初照人?













3. Long Nights like the Blue-Green Sky and Ocean ("碧海青天夜夜深") by Cheng Kam-Cheong is one of my favorite songs from childhood.

Looking back, I am mystified why as a child I would like this song -- the lyrics are way beyond the comprehension of the I of that time; maybe it was because of the melody.

The name and melody of this song have a rather complicated pedigree.

Per Wikipedia ("春江花月夜"), the original is an ancient Chinese melody called Flute and Drum at Sunset ("夕陽簫鼓") and is for the string instrument pipa.

At the early years of Nationalist China (circa 1910s and 1920s?), someone rearranged the song into a duet for the instruments pipa and guzheng and the song title was changed to Moonlit Blossoms by the Spring River ("春江花月夜").

Moonlit Blossoms by the Spring River ("春江花月夜") itself is the name of a very famous Tang Dynasty's poem.

In the early 1950s, the composer Peng Xiu-wen (1931-1996) further rearranged the melody into orchestral music and it became popular in communist China.

Two Cantonese versions of this song came out in the late 1960s and early 1970s:

(a) Long Nights like the Blue-Green Sky and Ocean ("碧海青天夜夜深") by Cheng Kam-Cheong.

(b) Moonlit Night by Lover's River ("鴛鴦江月夜") by Liza Wang.

Furthermore, the song title "碧海青天夜夜深" is itself parasitic on a phrase of the late Tang Dynasty poem "嫦娥" ("Chang'e") -- "碧海青天夜夜心".

Chang'e ("嫦娥") is the Chinese goddess of the Moon.

("Chang'e", Wikipedia):

"In 2007, China launched its first lunar probe, a robotic spacecraft named Chang'e 1 in the goddess' honour. A second unmanned probe, named Chang'e 2, was launched in 2010. A third Chang'e spacecraft, a robotic lunar rover dubbed Chang'e 3, landed on the moon on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013 at about 9:12 p.m., Beijing time, making China only the third country in the world to achieve such a moon feat after the former Soviet Union and the United States. The lander also delivered the robotic rover Yutu ("Jade Rabbit") to the lunar surface to begin its months-long driving mission. It has performed the first lunar soft landing since the Russian Luna 24 mission in 1976."

4. Long Nights like the Blue-Green Sky and Ocean ("碧海青天夜夜深") by Cheng Kam-Cheong:

5. The music Flute and Drum at Sunset ("夕陽簫鼓"):

6. The music Moonlit Blossoms by the Spring River ("春江花月夜"):

by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra:

with singing by Tong Li:

with singing by Peng Liyuan (= Mrs. Xi Jinping):


7. Moonlit Night by Lover's River ("鴛鴦江月夜"):

by Liza Wang:

by Liu Jun-er (female):

by Stephanie Gee:

by Yun Cai-hong (female):

by Jin Chuan (male):

8. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

碧海青天夜夜深 -- 鄭錦昌

夜月照江前   倍覺波影動
願能渡過萬里山   泛輕舟涉水重重
鴛鴦生死也共   願她記取往日情
當初盡情共眷戀   今朝各分西與東

晚晚相思瘦   歎息分飛
怕看江邊柳   朝思晚想   暗把流長流
以往不堪記   人去後   春已逝
哪天再聚頭   夢中更情投   驚醒已經深秋

別恨更添愁   遠隔關山後
何年複見舊燕歸   慰癡心倆相愛情投
碧海青天依舊   夜間晚風送寒流
孤單寂寥恨句她   不知哪天歸我家

9. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

碧海青天夜夜深 -- 郑锦昌

夜月照江前   倍觉波影动
愿能渡过万里山   泛轻舟涉水重重
鸳鸯生死也共   愿她记取往日情
当初尽情共眷恋   今朝各分西与东

晚晚相思瘦   叹息分飞
怕看江边柳   朝思晚想   暗把流长流
以往不堪记   人去后   春已逝
哪天再聚头   梦中更情投   惊醒已经深秋

别恨更添愁   远隔关山后
何年复见旧燕归   慰痴心俩相爱情投
碧海青天依旧   夜间晚风送寒流
孤单寂寥恨句她   不知哪天归我家

10. Names, Words and Phrases:

Chang'e (Traditional Chinese: 嫦娥; Simplified Chinese: 嫦娥).

Cheng Kam-Cheong (Traditional: 鄭錦昌; Simplified: 郑锦昌).

Guzheng (Traditional: 古箏; Simplified: 古筝).

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (Traditional: 香港中樂團; Simplified: 香港中乐团).

Jade Rabbit (Traditional: 玉兔; Simplified: 玉兔).

Jin Chuan (Traditional: 金川; Simplified: 金川).

Liu Jun-er (Traditional: 劉珺兒; Simplified: 刘珺儿).

Liza Wang (Traditional: 汪明荃; Simplified: 汪明荃).

Peng Liyuan (Traditional: 彭麗媛; Simplified: 彭丽媛).

Peng Xiu-wen (Traditional: 彭修文; Simplified: 彭修文).

Pipa (Traditional: 琵琶; Simplified: 琵琶).

Stephanie Gee (Traditional: 佩儀; Simplified: 佩仪).

Tong Li (Traditional: 童麗; Simplified: 童丽).

Yun Cai-hong (Traditional: 雲彩虹; Simplified: 云彩虹)


"Chang'e", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,'e
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"李商隱", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"張若虛", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"春江花月夜", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"彭修文", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"鄭錦昌", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"香港中樂團", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).

"童麗", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-04-15).


Thursday, March 31, 2016

[Music] Michael Kwan - Reincarnated

Poster for Reincarnated (1979)

1. This music selection is to commemorate the end of an era in Hong Kong's television history.

Tomorrow (April 1, 2016), Asia Television (ATV) will cease over-the-air transmission after the Executive Council of Hong Kong did not renew it's broadcast license last year.

The predecessor of ATV, Rediffusion Television (RTV), was the first TV station in Hong Kong and possibly the first Chinese TV station in the world.

2. ("Asia Television", Wikipedia):

"Asia Television (Chinese: 亞洲電視有限公司, also known as ATV, stylised "aTV") is a television broadcasting company based in Hong Kong. Established as the first television service in Hong Kong as Rediffusion Television on 29 May 1957, it shifted to terrestrial television on 30 November 1973, and was renamed Asia Television on 24 September 1982. ATV operates two main over-the-air channels: the Cantonese-language ATV Home, and ATV World."

"Despite its relatively small market share, ATV has received numerous awards for its programmes. One of its successes was the local version of the British game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in 2001, which allowed ATV to enjoy a short-term upturn in its viewing figures. However, ATV faced a gradual decline in production quality and viewership in recent years and faced financial difficulties—a process hastened under the leadership of Wang Zheng. ATV's credibility was also severely damaged in 2011 after it falsely reported that Jiang Zemin had died."

"On 1 April 2015, Hong Kong's Executive Council announced that ATV's broadcast license would not be renewed, and ordered ATV to cease over-the-air transmission after 1 April 2016."

3. Reincarnated ("天蠶變") by Michael Kwan is the theme song of an 1979 Hong Kong ATV TV drama of the same name.

It is also the theme song for the sequel Reincarnated II ("天蠶變之再與天比高") broadcasted in 1983.

The TV drama Reincarnated (1979) is 60 episodes long and it is a landmark in Hong Kong television history.

There were two over-the-air TV stations in Hong Kong in the 1970s: TVB and RTV.

TVB dominated the market by far in terms of viewership.

The main attraction for viewers those days were TV dramas and Reincarnated (1979) was one of the high points when RTV was able pull close to TVB in viewership.

The lyrics of Reincarnated ("天蠶變") are inspirational but humanistic.

The last verse of the lyrics:

讓我攀險峰 再與天比高

(Let me climb a perilous peak to see whether I am higher than heaven)

is something no religious person can say.

4. Reincarnated ("天蠶變") by Michael Kwan:

From a CD:

5. A Mandarin cover by the Taiwanese singer Liu Wen Zheng

(The lyrics are identical to the Cantonese original):

6. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

天蠶變 -- 關正傑


* 獨自在山坡   高處未處高
命運在冷笑   暗示前無路
浮雲遊身邊   發出警告   我高視闊步

# 雖知此山頭   猛虎滿佈
膽小非英雄   決不願停步
冷眼對血路   寂寞是命途
明月映山崗   倍覺孤高

@ 拋開愛慕   飽遭煎熬   早知代價高
絲方吐盡   繭中天蠶   必須破籠牢

Repeat *, #, @

一生稱英雄   永不信命數
經得起波濤   更感自傲
抹去了眼淚   背上了憤怒
讓我攀險峰   再與天比高

7. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

天蚕变 -- 关正杰


*独自在山坡   高处未处高
命运在冷笑   暗示前无路
浮云游身边   发出警告   我高视阔步

#虽知此山头   猛虎满布
胆小非英雄   决不愿停步
冷眼对血路   寂寞是命途
明月映山岗   倍觉孤高

@抛开爱慕   饱遭煎熬   早知代价高
丝方吐尽   茧中天蚕   必须破笼牢

Repeat *, #, #

一生称英雄   永不信命数
经得起波涛   更感自傲
抹去了眼泪   背上了愤怒
让我攀险峰   再与天比高

8. Names, Words and Phrases:

ATV (Asia Television Limited) (Traditional Chinese: 亞洲電視有限公司; Simplified Chinese: 亚洲电视有限公司).

Executive Council of Hong Kong (Traditional: 行政會議; Simplified: 行政会议).

Michael Kwan (Traditional: 關正傑; Simplified: 关正杰).

Liu Wen Zheng (Traditional: 劉文正; Simplified: 刘文正).

RTV (Rediffusion Television Limited) (Traditional: 麗的電視有限公司; Simplified: 丽的电视有限公司).

TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) (Traditional: 電視廣播有限公司; Simplified: 电视广播有限公司).


"Asia Television", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).

"Executive Council of Hong Kong", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).

"Rediffusion Television", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).

"TVB", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).

"天蠶變 (電視劇)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).

"天蠶變之再與天比高", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-03-31).


Wednesday, February 03, 2016

[Music] Myths and Sweet Nothings -- Chyi Yu & Wakin Chau

Poster for The Condor Heroes 95

 Carman Lee

 Louis Koo

 Chyi Yu

 Wakin Chau

1. Chinese Verse of the Day:


元好問 (1190 - 1257)

<< 摸魚兒·雁丘詞 >>









2. Myths and Sweet Nothings ("神話,情話") is the theme song for the 1995 Hong Kong's TVB TV Drama The Condor Heroes 95.

The Condor Heroes 95 is one among many manga, anime, computer game, radio drama, TV drama,
theatre production, and movie adaptations of the martial arts novel The Condor Heroes (1959-62 [revised 2003]) by Louis Cha.

The verse "問世間,情為何物,直教生死相許?" (What is love that people live and die for it?) is the theme of the novel and it is make famous among contemporary readers by Louis Cha.

This 1995 Hong Kong TV drama starred Louis Koo and Carman Lee.

The theme song is in Cantonese and is a duet by
Chyi Yu and Wakin Chau.

The music is also composed by Wakin Chau.

There is a mandarin version of the song called All Who Are in Love ("天下有情人").


2a. Added: Thursday, February 4, 2016

I have just noticed that the title "天下有情人" is structurally ambiguous -- the title has different meanings if it is parse structurally in different ways:

天下 -- 有 -- 情人
under the heaven -- has -- lovers

天下 -- 有情人
(to or about) under the heaven -- lovers

My translation of "All Who Are in Love" has the second structural parsing in view.

Another translation of the second parse that I have seen in YouTube is "Lovers of the World".


3. ("Wakin Chau", Wikipedia):

"Wakin Chau was born in a rice store owned by his family in Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Growing up as the fourth son in his seven-member family, Wakin learned to play the guitar when he was about 13 years old. In 1979, he left for Taipei to major in mathematics at National Taiwan University. During his college years, he sang and played folk songs in local coffee shops. This activity was a tradition among NTU students, and it is how Wakin learned to sing in Mandarin, which would be key to his future as a music-maker in Taiwan."

Wakin Chau's image is that of a positive and sunny person and I am not aware of any negative publicities about him.

I did not listen to music that much when Wakin Chau was at the peak of his career in the 1980s and 1990s and only catch up with some of his songs later on.

Wakin Chau used to be known as "Emil Chau".

"Emil" is the male form of "Emily" and it is a rare first name among Chinese.

I wonder why he chose "Emil" as his English name.

4. Myths and Sweet Nothings (1995) by
Chyi Yu and Wakin Chau:

5. Two covers of Myths and Sweet Nothings (1995):

By Wakin Chau and Joyce Koi:

By Mani Deng (female) and Mai Zhen-shuo (male):

6. The original and some covers of All Who Are in Love (1995):

By Wakin Chau and Chyi Yu:

By Chyi Yu and Anson Ping:

By Chyi Yu (female) and Duan Xu-ming (male):

By Duan Xu-ming (male) and Miu Chu (female):

By Rax Teh (male) and Shennio Lin (female):

By Tracy Wang and Gary Sun:

7. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

神話情話 -- 齊豫 & 周華健


合:愛是愉快   是難過   是陶醉
是情緒   或在日後視作傳奇
愛是盟約   是習慣   是時間
是白髮   也叫你我乍驚乍喜
完全遺忘自己   竟可相許生與死
來日誰來問起   天高風急雙雙遠飛

* 合:愛是微笑   是狂笑   是傻笑
是玩笑   或是為著害怕寂寥
愛是何價   是何故   在何世
又何以   對這世界雪中送火
誰還祈求什麼   可歌可泣的結果
誰能承受後果   翻天覆海不枉最初
啊   有你有我雪中送火

# 男:愛在迷迷糊糊盤古初開便始

Repeat *, #, #

8. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

神话情话 -- 齐豫 & 周华健


合:爱是愉快   是难过   是陶醉
是情绪   或在日后视作传奇
爱是盟约   是习惯   是时间
是白发   也叫你我乍惊乍喜
完全遗忘自己   竟可相许生与死
来日谁来问起   天高风急双双远飞

* 合:爱是微笑   是狂笑   是傻笑
是玩笑   或是为着害怕寂寥
爱是何价   是何故   在何世
又何以   对这世界雪中送火
谁还祈求什么   可歌可泣的结果
谁能承受后果   翻天覆海不枉最初
啊   有你有我雪中送火

# 男:爱在迷迷糊糊盘古初开便始

Repeat *, #, #

9. Names, Words and Phrases:

Anson Ping (Traditional Chinese: 平安; Simplified Chinese: 平安).

Carman Lee (Traditional: 李若彤; Simplified: 李若彤).

Chyi Yu (Traditional: 齊豫; Simplified: 齐豫).

Duan Xu-ming (Traidtional: 段旭明; Simplified: 段旭明).

Gary Sun (Traditional: 孫伯綸; Simplified: 孙伯纶).

Joyce Koi (Traditional: 蓋鳴暉; Simplified: 盖鸣晖).

Louis Cha (Traditional: 金庸; Simplified: 金庸).

Louis Koo (Traditional: 古天樂; Simplified: 古天乐).

Mai Zhen-shuo (Traditional: 麥震爍; Simplfied: 麦震烁).

Mani Deng (Traditional: 鄧英婷; Simplified: 邓英婷).

Miu Chu (Traditional: 朱俐靜; Simplified: 朱俐静).

Rax Teh (Traditional: 王鄭浚仁; Simplified: 王郑浚仁).

Shennio Lin (Traditional: 林芯儀; Simplified: 林芯仪).

The Condor Heroes 95 (Traditional: 神鵰俠侶; Simplified: 神雕侠侣).

Tracy Wang (Traditional: 汪小敏; Simplified: 汪小敏).

Wakin Chau (Traditional: 周華健; Simplified: 周华健).



"Wakin Chau", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"周華健", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"元好問", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"摸鱼儿·雁丘词", 百度百科,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"神鵰俠侶 (1995年電視劇)", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"神鵰俠侶", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"金庸", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2016-02-03).

"神话情话", 百度百科,
(accessed 2016-02-03).
